Monday, June 11, 2007

Back at last!

Its good to be back. A few points to note:

1) Singapore is more humid than it is hot... in my opinion that is.
2) You never realise how much you don't sweat in london until you get back to singapore and gotta get used to the slightly sticky feeling on your skin again
3) You never realise how much easier it is to breathe in london as compared to singapore, until you get back and try to breathe the much thicker, humid air
4) Anti-jetlag 101: Once you get on the plane, change your watch to the destination time and try to live as though you were already there. Also, arriving in the morning and enduring the day without sleep and then sleeping normally at night is the best way to combat jet lag... i even went for a run today and felt fine! (except for point 3 above)

On the good side:

5) You realise how much poorer the food in london is, and its good to know that you havent gone crazy fantasizing about singapore food because it really is as good as you think it is. =)
6) For those flying SIA, i felt tt the food has improved since i flew to london 9 months ago. Or maybe I just miss singaporean food too much =P


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