Thursday, May 31, 2007

Malaysia, Truly Hypocritical

Any doubts that Malaysia was not a secular state have been laid to rest today by a judgement by the Malaysian Federal Court that a muslim cannot convert to another religion.
The panel voted 2-1 against the matter of her conversion, and the dissenting judge was the only non-muslim on the panel.
This decision not only affects the woman in question, but also many others whose cases are pending in lower courts. Some of these people originally converted to Islam and wanted to convert back.
Seems like, in Malaysia at least, Islam is like Hotel California: You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.
Further, the decision directly goes against the freedom of religion enshrined in the federal constitution of Malaysia.

So remember folks, if you live in Malaysia, or any other country where there are similar situations, think, think and think again before committing to any one religion. Even if the patron deity of the religion isn't jealous, the priests and imams certainly are :P

Given this, and the many other cases where the rights of non-muslims are ignored in favour of the rights of muslims in Malaysia... well, I don't really have to complete the sentence.



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