Friday, May 11, 2007

The problem with focusing too much on religion...

One big problem I have with some people who are too devoutly Christian is how they ignore the people around them. My mother is certainly one of them, and just recently another event occured that reminded me of this.

One of my friends has been having trouble finding a place to stay next year. This was entirely by choice because my household offered her a place to stay and she rejected it. Regardless, my household still continued to help her find a place to stay with other people. Eventually, another friend in the household managed to hear about an available place and immediately contacted her and helped her arrange for a place to stay. Now, if I were that formerly homeless friend, I would be absolutely grateful and at least buy the guy a drink or two. Seems pretty reasonable, doesn't it? Rather than acknowledge the friend who helped her, she instead publicly gave thanks to God both at dinner time and on her blog, not mentioning the friend indeed at all! In fact, when the friend jokingly asked her for some reward, she very reluctantly conceeded at all.

Now, I'm sure the helpful friend would never want for any appreciation, but some giving of thanks to the PERSON would certainly be the right thing to do. Instead of choosing to do the right thing, this friend instead ignored the person who helped her and chose to promote her religion and the idea that God's help pops out of the sky and we should all be grateful for some Deus ex Machina.

Isn't that the damnest thing?


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