Sunday, December 31, 2006

Disillusioned with the Bible

Back from france! Very expensive trip (800 pounds at last count) but i must say i learnt alot from this journey. This is probably going to be my longest post, so forgive me for being disorganised.

Firstly, sorry to all those i wanted to buy souvenirs for but could not due to the tiny personal banker in my head. This is entirely my fault of course, and due to the costs of travelling, which went wayyyy up due to: cancelled flight due to the fog requiring an additional 224 pounds eurostar ticket and 1st class eurail tickets which were entirely uncalled for. Shows what happens when you put your travel plans in the hands of others.

I learnt alot about living with other people during the trip, and much thanks to jinfeng who was much tolerable and also made me learn some tolerance =P

Sorry again to all those in France, I admit, I brought the british fog over. Zhiheng, my friend, keeps quipping about how this was the worst fog France had had for a long time and how it was probably due to us brits who brought it over. hehehe. you couldnt see paris from the top of the eiffel tower!

France is great! I think most people disparage the french too much. They are extremely friendly once you try to at least speak abit of french and they are really quite helpful. On the other hand they have an unhealthy obsession with dogs leading to loads of dog shit in the streets. The drunk also are quite relaxed about pissing in the metro stations and on the streets, even moreso than the british. People say the best time to visit France is in summer, but the people who say that probably have no sense of smell. Of course, being in France, we ate lots of.... chicken. Why chicken? Well thats the national animal of france! If anyone needs a recommendation, Chickenspot at Chateau D'Eau, Paris, is the best, beating those in Marseille and Lyon (we didnt find ANY at Lyon.) Probabaly explains their military history. Speaking of which, the French really really like military wear. Much more fatigues and boots worn as casual wear as I've ever seen outside of a military base. I mean, if you cant beat them, dress like them??? The French also like to go home very early, just like the British, so we had lots of time at night to talk and read and I polished off 3 very good books, in order of ranking,
1)The God Delusion, Richard Dawkin (crystallising what I had been thinking for a rather long time, hence the title of this thread)
2)The World is Flat, Thomas Friedman
3)China Shakes the World, James Kynge

The first is for all christians, people thinking about converting, and religious people in general. More on this if I feel like typing another long post or if concerned people ask.
The second and the third is especially for all those who think that life is gonna be easy after school and for those who think that certain policies by the powers that be are misguided. Do go read them!

Lessons Learnt from the Trip:
1)Do not wash your hands off holiday planning. Find out what is going on.
2)Be ready for changes. Frustrating, Expensive changes. Learn to shrug them off and enjoy your trip anyway.
3)The ALICE pack offers alot of space and is rugged and durable and very very comfortable and the space between your back and the bag holds lots of useful stuff like water bottles and tubes of pringles, but... it has a very large side cross sectional area so that you feel the slightest wind, you cant really partition it or arrange your stuff, it is very wide so it doesnt fit into overhead bins, and you cant really attach stuff to the outside of it. Gonna have to hunt for another backpack i think.
4)Pack your stuff neatly. Putting in a little effort each time makes it much easier to unpack when you finally get back. Try on 15 minutes to dekit while checking your mail at the same time ;)
5)Bring a computer along because wireless is global and you really do get withdrawal symptoms.
6)Bring a photo of your loved one(s) along because it really helps to have their photo in your wallet when you miss them. Yes this means YOU. =P

More to follow if I feel like it.


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