Thursday, November 30, 2006

this is the postings of someone with security considerations

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

life is full of ups and downs

this is the downs.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

1 down, many many more to go!

I Love You

Monday, November 20, 2006

just got back...

I'm back from milan! OK place... not very many sights...its really a place for the richer people to shop!! I didnt spend alot there... trying to save for my trip in december... but there was still a nice castle (Castello Sforenzo) and Duomo Cathedral. I guess the most exciting part of the trip was the flight back... during the landing we hit turbulence and the plane was yawing from side to side as we landed...causing it to swerve on the runway!

and its time for school now. if u wanna find out whether i had to climb out of a shattered wreck of a place... read the next entry. heh.